Saturday, February 12, 2011

Axiological As an Aspect of Philosophy of Education

    Axiological As an Aspect of Philosophy of Education


    What is Philosophy of Education that?
    An attempt to overcome the problems of education without the use of wisdom (wisdom) and the strength of philosophy is like something that was destined to fail. The issue of education is a matter of philosophy. Education and philosophy inseparable since the end of education is the end of philosophy, that is wisdom (wisdom). And the tools of philosophy is a tool of education, namely search (inquiry), that will take someone on wisdom.

    Educational philosophy is a discipline that can be distinguished but not separated from both philosophy and education as well, he might receive from the philosophy of maintenance intake. He took the matter of education, while his method of philosophy. Philosophizing about education requires an understanding not only about educational issues and problems, but also about the philosophy itself. Philosophy of education is nothing more and nothing less than a unique discipline, as well as philosophy of science or science is called microbiology.

    Philosophy briefly with regard to questions about the analysis of concepts and the basics of knowledge, beliefs, actions, and activities. So the philosophy embodied in the sense of two things: (1) analysis of the concept, and (2) deepening of the meaning or basis of knowledge and the like. By analyzing a concept, the essence of the meaning of a word are explored both textually with its equivalent and also be contextual in its use. So that will unfold the moral dimensions typical in its use, which distinguishes it from other words. Thus, inserting the meaning of a word as a unique concept in consciousness that has asumís-moral assumptions in order to help him more closely in fungsionalisasinya.

    Conceptual analysis will take us at least 2 important things: (1) lets us see more clearly how a concept associated not only with other concepts, but also with other forms of social life that are on the network assumptions such interlocked human responsibility, the rights associated with authority, and the role of suffering in our lives. It will take us on a better understanding of our social life. (2) to understand the particular conceptual structure, will allow us to examine the assumptions related to moral issues. Discussions on this will take us further on moral philosophy.

    There are three common problems that called philosophy, namely:
    1. Metaphysics / Metaphysics
    2. Axiology / Axiology
    3. Epistimologi / Epistimology

    What is axiological?

    Historically, the term more commonly used are the ethics (ethics) or moral (Morals). But today, the term axios (value) and logos (theory) is more familiarly used in philosophical dialogue. So, axiology can be referred to as the theory of value, or the theory of value. Part of the philosophy that care about good and bad (good and bad), right and wrong (right and wrong), as well as about means and ends (means and ends). Axiology try to formulate a consistent theory for ethical behavior. He asked what was good (what is good?). When a well identified, it allows one to speak about morality, the use of words or concepts such as "should" or "should" (ought / Should). Thus axiology consists of an analysis of beliefs, decisions, and moral concepts in order to create or discover a theory of value.

    There are two basic categories axiological; (1) objectivism and (2) subjectivism. Both depart from the same question: whether it is dependent or not dependent on humans (dependent upon or independent of mankind)? From this emerged four ethical approach, the first two wing objectivist, subjectivist wing while the next two.
    First, the theory of intuitive value (the initiative theory of value). This theory holds that difficult if not impossible to define a set of values that are ultim or absolute. However a device that ultim or absolute values that exist in a manner that is objective. Values found through intuition because there is a moral order that is standard. They assert that the tool exists as an object or fused in antarobyek relationship, and the validity of the objective value does not depend on the existence or behavior of humans. Once a person finds and recognizes that value through an intuitive process, he is obliged to regulate individual behavior or social harmony with his moral prescriptions-prescriptions.

    Second, the theory of value rational (the rational theory of value). For those who do not believe in the value is objective and independent of purely human. This value is found as a result of human reason and supernatural revelation. The fact that someone is doing something right when he knows by his reason that it is true, as the fact that only bad people who are negligent or who did something contrary to God's will or revelation. So with reason or the role of God, someone find the value ultim, objective, absolute, which should be directed behavior.

    Third, the theory of natural value (the naturalistic theory of value). The value created by human thought together with the needs and desires experienced. Value is the product biososial, human artifacts, which are created, used, tested by individuals and communities to serve the purpose of guiding human behavior. Naturalist approach includes the theory of instrumental value where decisions are not absolute values or ma'sum (infallible) but is relative and contingent. Values in general essentially subjective, depending on conditions (need / desire) of man.

    Fourth, the emotive theory of value (the emotive theory of value). If the three previous flow determines the concept of value with cognitive status, then this theory considers that the concept of morals and ethics is not a factual decision but only an expression of the emotions or behavior (attitude). Value of no more than an opinion that can not be verified, though acknowledged that the valuation (valuing) is an important part of human action. For them, human drama is a tragicomedy axiological.

    Ontology, Epistimologi and Axiology
    As we all know that science is a lot of its aspects. From the aspect of its territory is divided to three: ontology, epistemology and axiology. From the ontology is divided to two types: pure science (pure science) and applied science (applied science). Of its kind or territory, there are natural sciences, social sciences and cultural sciences and humanities. From the aspect aksiologisnya or norm, there is a useful science ('ilman nafi'a) there is no benefit.

    By faith we are commanded to seek knowledge and have a beneficial course. It's no good having knowledge that is not useful. Below are areas of scientific truth based on the function and its benefits or aksiologinya. These regions as well as advice and guidance we are in search of knowledge.

    A. Science Ajug
    Ajug Science is the science that is not working because it does not diamalkan. Science is only in the mouth alone. Know the theory but not practiced, but do not know must be done, know the truth but not believed. The result does not bring good and change for themselves. Ajug Science is the science that is not useful. A lot of people that science is the science of this ajug. For example, knowing that management science but can not lead the organization, preferably not a subordinate, the decision is not effective, easily offended, do not want to receive input. Know of economics or have an insight into the business but his life messy, mediocre, even poor. Know much about religion, knew right from wrong, but his many problems because it violates many religions. For example, ordinary breaking promises, often lie or lying. If the guilty do not want to apologize, be self-righteous, hard to accept advice and so on. When it comes to religion broad horizons but his life was not so exemplary people. Religion is only a material science research, discussions and seminars alias prevent spotting on himself and not reflected in their everyday lives. His manner was not well liked and his spiritual influence on people no. Stingy and too rarely shadaqah rejekinya finally drag, unsympathetic attitude, no respect for other people, proud and arrogant and so on. Memorized many verses of the Qur'an but at the same time many violate the Qur'an such as breaking a promise, words can not be held, in the association there is no mutual advising etc.. Know a lot about the history of life and the hadith of the Prophet, but the morals of the Prophet just for conversation sake. Know the science of Sufism, but his many problems, irritability, often restless soul, stress, unstable, greedy in wealth, love of the world. In essence, the science of religion has, rather than bring calm, peace and comfort of his life. On the contrary, it mengadzab himself because his knowledge is not used in everyday life. This is because science is the science of its ajug. People who ajug science knowledge, is not helpful and will not bring good for him. People like this, although the vast knowledge and insights, although the degree dokor and professors, have a lot to get advice.

    2. Science Ungkug
    Ungkug Science is the science which, when obtained, obtaining, when he heard from others, he bobbed his head a sign he really understands but does not understand. Even if understood, do not know for what, to what purpose and what are the benefits. Just he-he just, just insights just as he did not show interest, do not know its benefits, do not know for what, and do not have the space, opportunity and authority to practice it. Science is the science of empty ungkug for himself. A Muslim should avoid ungkug because science is not helpful to him. Science ungkug eg students listen to a description of the Western economic theories of an expert, he listened while ngangguk-ngangguk, he could be interested and understand, but do not imagine how to implement and practice it in his life because he was just a madrassa teacher for example. Ungkug Science is the science of floating, half-half, not a territory and not his field. When told to another party looked half-half, floating and not deep. Better to have a science that is really useful for him in his daily life.

    3. Science-ujug Ujug
    Science-ujug ujug (suddenly) is the science which gained sudden, instant, suddenly a way to steal, invalid, quoting without permission. Ujug-term ujug know, ujug-ujug have, without learning, without trying and without struggling to get it. Science will not be blessed and will not be beneficial for him. Plagiarism, manipulation of data and information, citing no mention sumbernnya or claim that what he knows is the result of his own business is a science-ujug ujug.

    4. Science Tajug
    Tajug Science is the science which studied "in tajug" (mushalla, masigit, mosque, religious school). That is, studied in a small place and opportunity, learn from childhood in a place as small as in mosques and Islamic schools. Science is like a small, trivial, when studying the benefits have not imagined, but it turns out, the science of "small", it produces large. A moment of perceived benefits is very important after a big. Tajug Science is science learned from childhood and did not imagine would be what, what influence, he was already great so kiayi, a famous preacher, became an important figure, a scholar, so someone who used his knowledge is very influential in kesuksesannnya.

    5. Science Jugjug
    Science jugjug is in jugjug get away, cultivated, learned, fought. Feels pain, feels his sacrifice, and usually, the results are felt, great benefits, promote the success of life and the cause of his success. Useful knowledge and blessing. All of science is the science jugjug kiayi. Schools from small to large and then success is a science jugjug. Jugjug Science is science to the scientists, scholars, intellectuals and scholars.
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