Monday, August 22, 2011

International Photography Award Winners 2011

    Advertising: Fashion, 2nd Place Winner John Wright The Inter­na­tional Pho­tog­ra­phy Awards is an annual com­pe­ti­tion that was cre­ated to salute the achieve­ments of the world’s finest pho­tog­ra­phers, to dis­cover new and emerg­ing tal­ent, and to pro­mote the appre­ci­a­tion of pho­tog­ra­phy.

    Recently, the category winners were announced. Out of the thousands of entries IPA received this year, only the main category winners will move on as finalists to compete for IPA's top award of International Photographer of the Year. The winner will be announced at the annual Lucie Awards which is held at the Lincoln Center, New York on October 24th, 2011. That person will earn the coveted Lucie Statue and a cash prize of $10,000.
    Advertising: Fashion, 1st Place Winner Peter Lipmann

    Advertising: , 2nd Place Winner Poras Chaudhary

    Advertising: Other Ad, 1st Place Winner Adam Taylor

    Advertising: Product, 3rd Place Winner Adam Balcerek

    Architecture: Other, 2nd Place Winner Kacper Kowalski

    Book: Nature, 1st Place Winner Thorsten Milse

    Book: Nature, 2nd Place Winner Alex Bernasconi

    Editorial: Photo Essay and Feature Story, 2nd Place Winner Zhe Chen

    Editorial: War/Conflict, 3rd Place Winner Jorge Dirkx

    Fine Art: Collage, 2nd Place Winner Dean West

    Fine Art: Other, 3rd Place Winner Alex Bernasconi

    Nature: First Category Winner Marsel van Oosten

    Nature: Flowers, !st Place Winner Tom D. Jones

    Nature, Landscapes, 1st Place Winner Mitch Dobrowner

    Nature, Landscapes, 2nd Place Winner Peter Lik

    Nature, Seasons, 2nd Place Winner John Scanlan

    Nature, Sunset, 1st Place Winner Rafael Rojas

    Nature, Sunset, 3rd Place Winner Bali & Albanese

    Nature, Trees, 2nd Place Winner Alex Bernasoni

    Nature, Underwater, 1st Place Winner Bartosz Strozynksi

    Nature, Underwater, 2nd Place Winner Chuck Bradley

    Special, Moving Images, 1st Place Winner Tyler Stableford

    Special, Night Photography, 1st Place Winner David Bowman

    Special, Pets, 1st Place Winner Lennette Newell
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