Tuesday, December 28, 2010

سنغافورة تركز على العلوم الإنسانية: الدولارات لا معنى لها

    سنغافورة تركز على العلوم الإنسانية: الدولارات لا معنى لها

    ستارة الحياة

    يبدو أن هناك ثورة ثقافية في سنغافورة. وإذا كانت النخب فيها دافعت في السابق عن أولوية العلوم والتكنولوجيا في تشكيل الوعي الوطني، فإن التحركات الجديدة تشير إلى أنها تضع عينها الآن على العلوم الإنسانية.

    إلا أنه من المبكر لأوانه الاحتفاء بهذه الاستراتيجية الجديدة على أنها نقلة نوعية، فهذه الجهود لا تزال مشبّعة في فلسفة الواقعية الاقتصادية، التي تتبعها هذه الدولة الصغيرة، أو فكرة أن النمو الاقتصادي هو الورقة الرابحة.

    وهناك مثالان مفيدان هنا. الأول هو كلية العلوم الإنسانية التي تم الترويج لها كثيرا والتي تم الإعلان عنها في أيلول (سبتمبر). ومن المقرر أن تبدأ العمل بحلول عام 2013، وستشهد شراكة جامعة سنغافورة الوطنية مع جامعة ييل الأمريكية لإنتاج الدفعة التالية من القادة في سنغافورة. وعلى الرغم من ميلها للعلوم الإنسانية، فإن الهدف الشامل للكلية هو إنعاش الاقتصاد. وهو أمر يتضح بوضوح حين يفكر المرء في نوع المقررات الجامعية المتصورة ـــ العلوم الإنسانية مع القانون أو الطب. واستخدام كلمة ''مع'' يشي بمسحة الشك في قيمة شهادة العلوم الإنسانية الصرفة، التي لوحدها تجمع موضوعات عن العلوم الإنسانية مثل الفلسفة مع موضوعات لا تتعلق بالعلوم الإنسانية مثل الرياضيات والعلوم. باختصار، الهدف من الكلية إنتاج تكنوقراطيين مثقفين أكثر من فنانين.

    ويمكن للمرء أن يشير أيضا إلى اللجنة التوجيهية للمراجعة الاستراتيجية للفنون والثقافة ـــ التي تشكلت في أيلول (سبتمبر) أيضا ـــ والتي تهدف إلى ترسيخ تقدير الفنون في السنغافوريين. ومن المقرر أن تنشر اللجنة التي تتألف من 12 عضواً توصياتها في منتصف عام 2011. وهنا أيضا، توحي بعض أهداف اللجنة بميل نحو النمو الاقتصادي. فعلى سبيل المثال، يهدف إنشاء الأماكن الثقافية إلى الحصول على دولارات السياح، في حين تهدف تنمية المواهب الفنية إلى ضمان أن ''تستفيد'' القوى العاملة لدينا، على حد تعبير البيان الصحافي، ''من الفرص الاقتصادية الجديدة''.

    وسيتم تحقيق السياسة الثقافية لسنغافورة على نحو أفضل إذا فصلت النخب فيها الواقعية الاقتصادية عن العلوم الإنسانية. ولعل أكبر شرك لعدم القيام بذلك هو أنه قد ينتهي الأمر بسنغافورة بتشكيل العلوم الإنسانية إلى مجرد ''صناعة'' أخرى. والخطر من تحويل العلوم الإنسانية إلى سلعة هو أنها قد تخنق حس المواطنة لصالح الاقتصاد.

    وتشير المواطنة هنا إلى شعب ناقد أفراده قادرون على تصور مجتمع أفضل ما وراء المكاسب المادية. وهل هناك طريقة أفضل من العلوم الإنسانية لنقل خاصية النقد هذه؟ هذا هو الإجماع الذي ظهر في المملكة المتحدة من النقاش العام حول قيمة العلوم الإنسانية، في الوقت الذي شرعت فيه حكومة الائتلاف الحالية في سلسلة من تخفيضات الإنفاق على التعليم. وتصف المؤرخة جوانا بيرك على أفضل نحو في صحيفة ''الجارديان'': ''تساعد العلوم الإنسانية على تطوير الاتجاه النقدي المتشكك نحو العالم. وترتبط بكشف زيف المنطق في أوقاتها. وتتعلق أساسا بالتحليل النقدي للأمور المتفق عليها، والمقاومة لما يجعل الحياة غير عادلة وبشعة''. ولتطبيق هذا الموقف في سياق سنغافورة، علق أحد كبار موظفي الخدمة المدنية، مدير معهد دراسات السياسة أونج كينج يونج، في مقابلة مع صحيفة TODAY عام 2006 قائلاً: إن الانتقادات تساعد على تشكيل سياسات أفضل. وهذا مكسب ضمني ولكن نوعي لسياسة ثقافية تفصل الواقعية الاقتصادية عن العلوم الإنسانية.

    والميزة الأخرى هي أثرها الإيجابي في شباب سنغافورة. وفي صحيفة ''الجارديان'' أيضا، قالت كيت سوبر أستاذة الفلسفة إن العلوم الإنسانية تعزز الفكرة القائلة إنه ليس من الضروري أن تصاغ الحياة الجيدة في ''الوجود حيث التوتر مرتفع والوقت قليل والمدفوع بالعمل والذي يشجعه المجتمع الاستهلاكي بميزانياته الضخمة للدعاية''. وفي الواقع، ستساعد الثقافة الموالية للعلوم الإنسانية والمفصولة عن الأهداف الاقتصادية الشباب على رؤية سنغافورة باعتبارها أكثر من مجرد مكان لكسب المال. وتخيل سنغافورة كمكان تكون فيه المكاسب غير المادية مهمة أيضا قد يتحدى الشعور بخيبة الأمل التي أثيرت من قبل أشخاص مثل ليم زي روي، وهو طالب في جامعة نانيانج التكنولوجية قال للوزير غوه غوك تونج في حوار وزاري في تشرين الأول (أكتوبر): ''لم أعد أعرف ما الذي أقاتل لأجله''.

    وقد تساعد هذه الاستراتيجية الإنسانية غير المادية في غرس شعور بالانتماء في أمة اعتاد أفرادها على الكماليات التي وفرها الاقتصاد الممتاز، خاصة في أوقات الأزمات حيث قد لا يلبي الوعد بالسلع الاقتصادية توقعاتهم. وسيشكل الخطاب المتعلق بالهوية القومية للقيم المجتمعية ـــ وهو أمر يقول ليم إنه غير موجود في سنغافورة ـــ ويجعلهم أقل فتورا تجاه السياسة، وهو مصدر قلق تم تسليط الضوء عليه من قبل قادة سنغافورة.

    لكن لم يضع كل شيء بعد. ففي تحولها إلى العلوم الإنسانية، تتخذ سنغافورة بعض الخطوات الصحيحة أيضا. وتشمل تلك الخطوات شهادة التاريخ والفلسفة الجديدة في جامعة نانيانج التكنولوجية، وكذلك مقرر الدراسات الدينية في جامعة سنغافورة الوطنية لبرنامج الباحثين الجامعيين، بالتعاون مع منظمة فيث لتوني بلير. ولكن لا ينبغي أن تتوقف سنغافورة عند هذا الحد. أحد الأفكار هو أن تحذو حذو فرنسا ـــ الدولة المعروفة بمفكريها النقديين ـــ وتجعل الفلسفة مادة إجبارية في مؤسسات التعليم العالي مثل معاهد العلوم التطبيقية والكليات المتوسطة والدراسات التحضيرية للجامعات. وهناك فكرة أخرى وهي إنشاء ما يعادل A* Star ومنظمة الأبحاث الوطنية، وهي مؤسسات تركز على تعزيز البحوث العلمية، لقطاع الفنون والعلوم الإنسانية. ويمكن لسنغافورة مثلا محاكاة مجلس بحوث العلوم الإنسانية والفنون في المملكة المتحدة، وهو هيئة تمويلية تركز على القطاع غير العلمي.

    إن الثقافة الداعمة للعلوم الإنسانية غير المدفوعة اقتصاديا ستجعل سنغافورة مدينة عالمية شاملة بحق. وفقط حين تتمكن سنغافورة، الدولة المدينة المليئة بالشركات، من تكثيف سعيها لتحقيق التفوق الاقتصادي مع تعزيز الإحساس بالروح، سيتمكن مواطنوها والعالم الأوسع من رؤية المدينة الدولة كمكان مرغوب للعيش، ليس فقط لتفوقها الاقتصادي، بل أيضا لنوعية الحياة الثقافية. ولتحقيق هذه الغاية، فإن الخطوة الحاسمة هي أن تعترف النخب فيها أنه مع تحول سنغافورة نحو العلوم الإنسانية، الدولارات لا معنى لها.

    خاص بـ''الاقتصادية''
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    12月28日,记者从2011中华艺术家书画交流大会新闻发布会上获悉,以“椰风海韵,翰墨飘香”为主题的2011中华艺术家书画交流大会,将于2011 年2月24至26日在海口开幕。届时,200余位来自海内外的书画艺术名家、政府领导、企业名流等聚集一堂进行艺术交流,借鉴和吸收国际优秀文化和成功经验,发掘传承海南本土特色文化,为海南国际旅游岛文化产业注入新的活力。




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    (3)制定“十二五”规划的指导思想和基本原则。制定 “十二五”规划,必须高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,紧紧围绕科学发展这个主题,牢牢把握加快转变经济发展方式这条主线,坚定不移地以富民强省为目标,深化改革开放,保障和改善民生,努力建设经济文化强省,促进经济长期平稳较快发展和社会和谐稳定,为率先全面建成小康社会打下具有决定性意义的基础。为此,要坚持以下基本原则:













    ——人民生活殷实富裕。城乡居民收入普遍较快增加,低收入者收入明显增加,中等收入群体持续扩大,群众拥有更多的财产性收入,逐步扭转收入差距扩大的趋势,人民生活质量和水平不断提高。就业持续增加,城镇登记失业率控制在较低水平,人民的健康素质不断提高,基本公共服务均等化程度明显提高。Source URL:
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    分手傷很大 調整心態療傷止痛
    收回重心 少了他世界依然運轉
    女 人最常犯的錯誤就是把重心壓在男人身上。交往時,妳會覺得他就是妳的全世界,生活的每一步都是他的身影,走在街上充滿自信,無視路人的眼光。可是當世界變 了的時候呢?一旦重心沒了,生活就變得單調無趣。所以收回妳的重心吧!一旦轉移重心,妳會發現世界不會因為少了他而有所改變。
    為自己安排活動 適應單身生活
    有 多少人受不了寂寞的滋味?人是群體動物,要適應這樣的轉變當然有一定的困難度。當然,一開始失戀時,你會發現周遭朋友都很關心你,只要你的一句話,他們絕 對替你做到任何你想要的,但時間一拉長,就沒有人願意再持續給予你這種特權,所以愈早適應愈好,找點自已才可以做的事情吧!就算只是到書店看一本書、在家 獨自看DVD、把工作帶回去填滿一個人的時刻,這些都好,至少你已經開始了新生活。
    藕斷不絲連 準備談下一段戀情
    大 多數人在離開感情之後,總會帶著些許的眷戀與放不開,即使已經談好分手了,也愛在不甘寂寞的時候,打一通電話給前任男/女朋友。這後果可不堪設想,死纏爛 打、糾纏不清都不是結束一段感情後所該做的,要認清自已已經從「死會」變成「單身」的這種狀態,如此一來才可以朝著前面的路大步前進,為接受下一段感情做 好準備。
    分手細節完善處理 將回憶收納整理
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Planning for Destruction

    Islam is a religion that values justice. Allah SWT has commanded us to do justice, as contained in sura an-Nahl verse 90.

    "Allah commands (you) to do justice and do good, to give assistance to relatives, and God forbid from evil deeds, unjust, and hostility. He gave the instruction to you that ye may take heed," (Surah An-Nahl [16] : 90).

    Adil has a sense of putting something in place properly. In practice in the realm of law, the word just meant to give punishment to the offenders accordingly. This absolutely applies to all people without distinction, whether rulers or ordinary people. Because, at its essence the law indiscriminately.

    But in reality, legal justice in this country still has not materialized. During this law applies only to the people of the small firm and do not apply strictly to people who have a high position.

    High officials who engage in corruption to get the punishment that seem "mild" and not assertive. Jail for high-ranking person available as luxury hotels, and receive per lakuan special.

    If so, the penalty has no deterrent effect to the perpetrators. "And when Satan made them look good they work ..."( Surah al-Anfal [8]: 48).

    Like a kitchen knife, the law in this country if slicing upward blunt and sharp when cut down. These are the signs of impending doom. As we have Prophet Muhammad sabdakan, "Those before you were destroyed because the men of honor among them were left alone when stealing. But, if the person who stole the weak among them, be a punishment for them. By Allah, if Fatimah bint Muhammad stole I would cut her hand. " (Bukhari).

    If justice is not upheld, it just means we are planning the destruction. As a result, strong people who are guilty will be increasingly free to make mistakes, whereas a weak little rakyak will increasingly oppressed.
    In the end this country is not experiencing progress in all fields, and we are just waiting for its demise. Let justice be established starting from themselves, their families, communities and countries. And we start right now. And Allaah knows best.
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Giving, Not Requested

    Tirai Kehidupan -> Giving is actually a base of happiness. Instead, requests or demands (getting) a source of unrest. If we give, we will feel relieved and happy, whereas if we prosecute, especially if large and unfulfilled demands, we will feel annoyed and disappointed. That is why religion (Islam) told us to give rather than ask.

    Giving is the laws and nature of the universe. Consider, for example, sun, earth, plants, rivers, and oceans; they're all just giving, never asking anything from us. Allah alone is God the Almighty Giver. "Our Lord, do thou incline to make our hearts astray after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from Thee, for Thou art the giver is the Lord Almighty." (Surah Ali Imran [3]: 8).

    The law gives (the law of giving) it teaches us at least three things.

    First, what we planted, was exactly what we reap. "Man zara'a Hashada," says the Arab proverb. Fully correct, the old adage that states, "Whoever sows wind, he will reap a storm." This is the ordinance of God (the laws) that will never change.

    Second, if we're giving (giving), surely we will get (getting). Admittedly, people often think short and stuck in a narrow logic of materialism, which is as though if we give, there is something missing from us. This is actually not the case. What we give is never lost. There's sort of in situ conservation of energy. "What's on your side will vanish, and what's on the side of God is eternal." (Surah Al-Nahl [16]: 96).

    Third, we need to cultivate the habit of giving not asking. Give first, then we get. The expression of a take and give (get and then give) are popular in our society, may need to be replaced with the phrase, "give and receive" (give and then receive).

    What we give does not always mean wealth and our wealth (physical-material). We can provide other things that we have, for example energy, thoughts, ideas and thoughts, and prayers, or give him attention, love, and compassion. Giving in the form of the latter, according to the poet Khalil Gibran, it is a really great gift and full of meaning.

    Giving should not be performed because of business considerations (Surah Al-Muddatstsir [74]: 6), but due consideration of the good (Surah Al Imran [3]: 92). Giving is also not a real win win (win-win solution), but the exit toward greatness (greatness) and happiness (happiness), eternal in the world and the hereafter. And Allaah knows best.
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Starting the day with optimism

    Tirai Kehidupan -> Let us try to paint a picture one day in the life of the Prophet Muhammad. He woke up long before dawn, when the dark curtain of night still covers everything. When he started moving, he said, "Praise be to God who has restored my spirit, give me the physical strength and allow me to glorify Him."

    Heavy as any challenges that would face, he was greeted with optimism. And, no matter how small it did not escape thankful for, including the return of the spirit to start the day.

    In fact, sunrise and sunset, are also things we need to acknowledge. "It is Allah who made the night for you that ye may rest therein, and made the bright daylight. Allah really have a gift bestowed upon human beings, but most people are not grateful." (Surah Al Mu'min [40]: 61)

    Our life is a greatest blessing that we receive from God. Being our gratitude is to utilize the best life. God offers the chance of success for anyone who wants to succeed. In essence, optimistic attitude should always be put forward.

    Optimistic is an attitude that always holds good in the face of all things. Optimistic is the opposite of despair. Desperate arise because there is no willingness in the liver and less convinced of God's grace. An optimistic attitude is a form of belief in God's mercy and His grace and that God's promise is true.

    People who have an optimistic attitude is the person who has the devotion and uphold all that is required by his faith. He hoped that God does not make her turn, receive charity, and not reject it, and multiply his reward.

    God has said: "If God sent something kemudharatan to you, then nothing can eliminate it, except him, and if God wants good for you, then nobody can deny the gift of Him" (Sura Yunus [10]: 107)

    Conversely pessimistic person often feels uncertain when dealing with problems of life. Undecided attitude will take on the attitude of no confidence, it's easy to blame others, sometimes even not infrequently reduced the level of faith in God.

    How to beat the indecisive attitude? Restore everything to God. Is not his word, after difficulty there will always be easy?
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Sperm May Hold Cure for Diabetes

    PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA—Men with type 1 diabetes may one day be able to use the stem cells that become sperm to replace their insulin-producing pancreatic cells. Such transplants would eliminate the need for frequent daily insulin injections to control blood sugar.

    Type 1 diabetes occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing islet cells in the pancreas. Without insulin to help cells absorb blood glucose, a person can't use energy from food. Untreated type 1 diabetes is always fatal, but regular insulin injections and blood-sugar monitoring can allow patients to have fairly normal lives.

    Occasionally, insulin injections aren't enough to keep type 1 diabetes in check, however. So in the late 1990s, researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada began transplanting islet cells from cadavers into diabetics. This isn't an ideal solution, though, as recipients have to remain on immune-suppressing medication for the rest of their lives to prevent transplant rejection and usually still require some insulin injections.

    Stem cell biologist G. Ian Gallicano of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and colleagues believe they have found a method that would give diabetics the advantages of islet cell transplantation without the need for immunosuppressant drugs. Millions of sperm cells are created each day from stem cells in the testes known as spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). The researchers harvested SSCs from human testicular tissue and engineered them to become pluripotent stem cells, which have the capability to specialize into any type of cell, a process that took 2 weeks. Then, the researchers prodded these stem cells to develop into islet cells.

    As they reported here yesterday at the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, Gallicano and colleagues transplanted the engineered human islet cells into diabetic mice that don't have an immune system and so can't attack the inserted cells. The transplants lowered the mice's high blood glucose levels, a good sign that the cells would do the same thing in humans.

    Gallicano cautions, however, that the technique isn't ready for people just yet. "We don't get enough insulin from each cell to cure diabetes in humans."

    That's a concern echoed by Sheng Ding, a biochemist at The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, California, who wasn't involved in the research. Before the technique is ready for the clinic, he says, researchers will need to increase insulin production in the transplanted cells. Still, Ding says, "This represents one direction to pursue for ultimately curing type 1 diabetes."

    This isn't the first attempt to treat or cure diabetes with stem cells. Researchers had previously used cells from skin or other tissues to create a slightly different type of stem cell, known as an induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell, which could then go on to replace the damaged islet cells. Using iPS cells does have some advantages, Gallicano says. They don't require an invasive procedure to obtain, and they work for both sexes. However, researchers need to add four genes to morph cells into iPS cells. The genes don't always insert in the right place, which could cause cancer or cell death, he says.

    The human SSCs, though, found in men only, are already stem cells and don't need those four genes turned on. "We don't have to do anything to make them pluripotent except take them out of their niche" in the testes, Gallicano says.

    The researchers hope that they can find a method that would benefit female diabetics as well. Gallicano says he sees no reason why egg precursor stem cells can't also be used. One major difference is that the egg stem cells have only one copy of every gene, whereas the SSCs have two copies, like other cells in the body, which makes it easier to apply the technique to SSCs.

    There's one more hurdle, says Gallicano, which is finding out whether the immune system, which has already created antibodies against the body's islet cells, will attack the transplanted cells as well.
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Finger Points to New Type of Human

    By sequencing the nuclear genome of an ancient finger bone, researchers have confirmed the discovery of a new type of human that lived in the Altai Mountains in southern Siberia more than 30,000 years ago. This long-lost group of people, which researchers are calling "Denisovans" after the Denisova cave in which the bone was found, lived at roughly the same time modern humans and Neandertals were in the region, and it appears to be more closely related to Neandertals than us. Although these Denisovans went extinct, they were widespread enough in Asia to interbreed with modern humans before they disappeared, leaving behind a ghostly legacy in the genomes of Melanesians.

    After archaeologists discovered the bone in 2008, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, isolated remarkably well-preserved DNA—comparable to DNA frozen in permafrost. In a study reported earlier this year in Nature, the team sequenced the finger's mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which suggested that the digit did not belong to a Neandertal or a modern human. The mtDNA, which is passed down only from the mother and represents a small fraction of the total genome, didn't provide enough data to draw firm conclusions about the identity of the finger's owner, however.

    In the new study, the Max Planck team sequenced 70% of the nuclear genome, which comes from DNA on 23 pairs of chromosomes. The researchers then compared this sequence with the genomes of Neandertals and modern humans and confirmed that the girl was neither human nor Neandertal. Her DNA was more like that of Neandertals than that of modern humans, suggesting that Neandertals and Denisovans are sister groups that shared a common ancestor after they split from the ancestors of modern humans, says evolutionary geneticist and lead author Svante Pääbo. But they were not Neandertals, because their DNA diverged from that of Neandertals about 640,000 years ago and because the large molar was too primitive to belong to a Neandertal, according to team member David Reich, a population geneticist at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

    The researchers also compared different parts of the Denisovan genome with the same segments of DNA in 53 populations of present-day humans. The data revealed that the Denisovans shared certain mutations with Melanesians from Papua New Guinea and Bougainville Island, mutations that are not found in Neandertals or other modern populations. Melanesians appear to have inherited between 4% and 6% of their DNA from these extinct Denisovans, the team reports online today in Nature.

    The best scenario to fit this data is that after Neandertals and Denisovans split, the Neandertals interbred with modern humans just after they left Africa but before they spread into Europe and Asia in the past 80,000 years. Later, Denisovans living in eastern Asia encountered a group of modern humans heading east from Africa toward Melanesia and interbred with them. As a result, Melanesians now carry DNA from both encounters with Neandertals and Denisovans, which means that as much as 8% of their DNA comes from archaic populations, says Reich. The team is already trying to identify the function of those mutations.

    Paleoanthropologists are also taking a new look at old fossils in Asia, trying to figure out which ones might be the Denisovans—if any. Along with the discovery in 2004 of the diminutive Homo floresiensis—a.k.a. the hobbit—that lived on the island of Flores as recently as 13,000 years ago, there are now at least three other types of humans who were alive at the same time as modern humans were taking over the world. Clearly, this means “the story [of the origins of modern humans] has undoubtedly got a lot more complicated,” says paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum, London.
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A Turn-On for Catalysts

    Catalysts are prized for their ability to speed chemical reactions by grabbing molecular building blocks and knitting them together. But most catalysts are either on or off—and there hasn't been much scientists could do to flip the switch. Now, however, researchers have created a sandwich-shaped scaffold for turning on and off nearly any catalyst at will. If developed further, the new design could allow researchers to detect minute amounts of a wide range of small molecules—from explosives such as TNT to neurotransmitters that carry messages in the nervous system.

    Unlike industrial catalysts, many enzymes—biological catalysts made from proteins—rely on small molecules to turn them on and off. In a process known as allosteric regulation, the binding of a particular small molecule changes the shape of the protein's catalytic site, allowing it to function. A related process can also disrupt a catalyst, turning the enzyme off.

    In recent years, several groups have tried to mimic this switching to control synthetic catalysts used in a variety of industrial processes, such as creating plastics and other polymers. Five years ago, Chad Mirkin, a chemist at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and colleagues created a system that could activate a catalyst that has two metal atoms at its core. Although the scheme worked, only a few catalysts operate with two metal atoms. Moreover, the scaffold can't be easily adapted to work with the much larger number of catalysts that harbor just a single metal atom in their core. So Mirkin and his colleagues wanted to determine whether they could design a new system to work with single-metal catalysts.

    They report doing so in today's issue of Science. To make the system work, Mirkin's team designed the catalyst to be like a three-layer sandwich. The "meat" at the center is an aluminum-containing catalyst designed to break open ring shaped compounds and stitch them together into a polymer known as polycaprolactone. When the catalyst is off, two flat organic compounds hide the meat like pieces of bread, preventing the catalyst from interacting with other molecules. But when the researchers add chloride ions, the ions bind at the edges of the outside bread layers, kicking out key nitrogen atoms. The outside layers swing open, allowing the catalyst to do its work. Removing the chloride ions snaps the outside layers shut, and the catalyst is turned off.

    Wenbin Lin, a chemist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, says he's impressed with the work. "It's a very general approach that can be applicable to many different things," Lin says. That could make it useful for detecting a wide variety of small molecules, such as environmental contaminants or compounds present in particular diseases. By triggering the catalyst's production of large amounts of a substance, the method makes it easy to spot when the chosen small molecules are present. The new technique could also prove important industrially to control the work of multiple catalysts that are often used in tandem to build polymers and other complex structures. In cases such as these, researchers would be able to turn catalysts on and off at specific times, ensuring that the production process proceeds in the correct order.
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Alleviate an Orbital Traffic Jam

    There's gridlock in orbit. More than 400 telecommunications satellites, plus an indeterminate number of retired, failed, and secret spacecraft, occupy a narrow band of space some 35,000 kilometers above Earth's equator. Now, researchers have found a way to alleviate the congestion: attaching solar sails to satellites that would propel them 10 to 30 kilometers north or south of the standard orbit. Space experts say that such sails could also open up other orbital positions that were previously considered unattainable.

    Telecommunications satellites must remain in the same position above Earth at all times—in a so-called geosynchronous orbit—so that satellite dishes don't have to constantly swivel to track them. Thanks to the laws of gravity and orbital mechanics, the only way for a satellite to maintain a geosynchronous position has been to orbit above the equator.

    But this prime real estate is growing scarce. The satellites could move north or south, but the extra rocket fuel needed to maintain these less-stable orbital positions would be expensive and would limit the life of the craft.

    That's where solar sails come in. A large square of reflectively coated Mylar—say, a hundred meters on a side—could catch enough sunlight to propel a satellite above or below the plane of the equator and maintain enough thrust to hold it in geostationary position.

    To see if the idea would work, aerospace engineer Colin McInnes and one of his graduate students, Shahid Baig, at the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom started with calculations developed by Robert Forward, a physicist and NASA consultant. Forward, who died in 2002, posited that the photons of sunlight streaming across the solar system contained sufficient energy to push a solar-sail–arrayed satellite out of geostationary orbit and maintain its new position without the need for heavy, liquid-fueled thrusters. The Japanese IKAROS spacecraft, which was launched last month, is testing the basic solar-sail concept.

    Other scientists questioned Forward's calculations, because, they argued, his figures weren't precise enough. But using superaccurate computer models, McInnes and Baig have determined that Forward was indeed correct. The new calculations, published in the May/June Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, showed that sunlight hitting a solar sail would be sufficient to push the satellite into a geostationary orbit. And due to its continuous pressure, the sunlight could also hold the spacecraft in that orbit indefinitely without the need for thrusters.

    Although the research provides only a theoretical proof of concept, experts see a bright future for solar-sail satellites. For example, says aerospace engineer Ben Diedrich of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Silver Spring, Maryland, researchers could park satellites over Earth's poles to provide continuous climate monitoring at these latitudes. Or the sails could push solar-research spacecraft into more advantageous orbits to study the sun. Solar-sail–assisted orbits, he says, are "one more viable option for future mission planners to consider."
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